A Break From Social Media - Lance Lee
I'm taking a break from social media. Every June, July, November, & December I give myself rest from social media outside of work. I do this so I can focus on my family, myself, & my work with a fresh perspective.
This summer, I'm especially excited to rest. The last 12 weeks were unexpectedly overwhelming. Life has been good but chaotic.
I left my full-time job in Seattle to freelance more & start my own business with my brother.
The first two weeks were awesome. I got enough freelance work to feel safe through April.
Then I got sick. Liver & heart issues made worse by a jaw infection. Family & friends got sick, too. A few friends died. Shit was wild.
I stayed quiet & distracted.
Then when I ran out of freelance work & tried to rest, my face swelled up & I was knocked on my ass for 2 weeks in May.
I had a lot of forced time to heal.
A bonus to healing & less work is the time I've had to sit with my thoughts & feelings.
With my anxiety & depression now manageable, I got to finally process the last few years & even parts of the last decade I've ignored.
The darkness of the last few months & me being so worn out renewed old parts of my spirit & gave me an odd optimism.
A lot of the confidence & curiosity I lost post-college then through the pandemic came back. Tackling old feelings with a new maturity has been bittersweet.
While a hassle, the timing of the last few months & what they've offered me are blessings.
I get to rest from social media with a fresh sense of confidence & joy found in my curiosity & maturity.
This is awesome.
It's my hope when I'm active again in August, what I offer in my work & in my public narrative is fresh. For you, for me, & for us.
Attached below is the photo template I shared on Facebook & Instagram to announce my break.