The Coug Fall 2023 Case Study
The Coug aka The Cougar Cottage has been a family & student friendly restaurant & bar since 1932. For nearly 100 years it has been a hot spot for students & alumni alike, fostering a special sense of community through tradition & the celebration of all things related to being a WSU Coug.
Marketing at The Coug has been a long standing value of its ownership & management. The marketing team has evolved from one to eight members between 2019 & 2023.
Recap on Last Visit …
In October, Rebecca introduced us & we all got to talk a little bit. Pullman was extra exciting because Cougar Football was still crushing it. So, while it was still exciting … & even though this course is just an intro to media & it’s history … I wanted to give y’all an opportunity to work with us. It was a little new & a little confusing, but a bunch of you sent in awesome pitches for social media campaigns through the Coug. Here’s the Top 10, not in any particular order:
1. Taylor Davis
2. Matti Tenney
3. Moses Henning and Dallas Debellis
4. Shalem Blum
5. Agustus Marceau
6. Noam Cohen & Brady Mckelheer
7. Max Chicklero
8. Kiana Fitzhugh and Kody Galde
9. Audrey Yount
10. Larissa Riley
We narrowed it down to Taylor, Matti, & Max.
Taylor Davis, who will briefly join this lecture today, was our top choice.
Her pitch, in short, was a tiny mic video series for TikTok or Instagram Reels. The goal of the video series was to interview students, educate them in a fun way about The Coug, then use those interviews to share the message of the Coug being an all ages restaurant & bar. This would, in theory, be a successful campaign in reaching a demographic we usually struggle to keep engaged.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to read her pitch in full.
After Sidney & I finished reviewing all pitches, we offered Taylor the campaign opportunity the next day.
Taylor accepted.
What we’re talking about today …
The campaign! What worked, what didn’t, & what it became instead.
Yep, a lot of things don’t end up how you expect them to, & that’s okay! As long lessons are learned & a good product produced, the projects are successful for us.
Today’s review is a case study + question/answer session before early release.
A QR Code for attendance will be shared at the beginning of question/answer session.
Interview Video Series for Coug Social Media Fall 2023 Case Study:
This part you can’t read or scroll thru ;) Coug Social Media assistant manager Sidney Serna & your classmate Taylor Davis are going to follow my prompts & share their experience on the project with you.
The campaign went through several weeks of prep work, which included 2 interview sessions on campus & 2 editing drafts.
An interview video series has 2 digital media components: 1. Video 2. Audio … however, it also requires gear tests, a multi-tasking performance from the interviewer, & a lot of time staring at a screen editing.
What we got out of the project was checklists & processes established for future interview video campaigns, a completely different completed video for our sister business The Land, & a job offer to Taylor as our Spring 2023 Paid Intern.
We’re gunna explain all of that right now in 15 minutes or less.
Go Cougs!
Go Cougs! 〰️
& that’s a wrap!
Thank you for having Sidney, Taylor, & myself as your guests today.
Let’s connect:
@mediabylancelee or
My name is Taylor Davis, and I am a student in Rebecca Cooney's COM101 class. Below, I have typed out my social media campaign idea.
Company: The Coug
Title of the pitch: Visit The Coug! Interviews
Campaign Goals: This campaign will aim to raise awareness among students under 21 that they can still be a part of the fun environment at The Coug. More specifically, advertising how fun The Coug is on Cougar Football Saturdays! It will help increase activity at The Coug.
Audience: The audience would be any WSU student, as most cougs love CFS! But it would be specifically aimed at students under 21 because we are trying to advertise to all ages. As a younger student here at WSU, these are some of my favorite videos to see on TikTok, so I think it would be a good way to reach people my age.
Content Strategy: A TikTok that is 1-3 minutes long, reposted on Instagram Reels.
Engagement Strategy: The TikTok video will reach many people after it is posted on both TikTok and Instagram. Students will be informed from the video to visit The Coug. However, the interviewing process itself will also raise awareness. So even though these interviews are meant to be seen on TikTok and Instagram, interacting with students in person will help advertise The Coug as well. I should note that I work for The Daily Evergreen here at WSU, so I have experience with interviewing different audiences and coming up with beneficial questions to ask on the spot. Below, I have listed some proposed questions we could ask in the interviews:
Have you heard about The Coug?
What do you know about it?
Have you heard any fun stories about The Coug?
Did you know that you don't need to be 21+ to go?
Have you seen the social media accounts for The Coug?
Channels: Again, a TikTok that is 1-3 minutes in duration, that is reposted as an Instagram Reel. TikTok is the most popular social media for the younger students on campus, and The Coug’s TikTok isn’t very active. So it would reach the younger audience and create engagement on TikTok to help grow the account. However, reposting the video on Instagram would reach more people, as it is The Coug’s biggest account.
Timeline: The recording of the TikTok could be recorded on two separate days. The first day could be the Friday before the home game. We would ask questions then because interviewing students before the game could convince students to visit The Coug before the game on that following Saturday. Then, interviewing students at Martin Stadium on Game Day will also inform them of The Coug. This will convince those students to visit before the next game day. The video could be edited and posted on the following day.
Success: The engagement on TikTok will go up, as that's what the video will be posted on. Having a successful TikTok account is very beneficial in reaching younger audiences, so focusing on making the TikTok will help grow The Coug's account. As well, reposting it on Instagram will reach a larger audience, as The Coug's Instagram account is one of it's biggest accounts. Interviewing students for a TikTok does many things. First, people enjoy seeing videos about people being interviewed on campus. They are one of the more popular videos. It also reaches students in person. So even though this campaign focuses on TikTok, talking to students in person will help advertise The Coug.
I look forward to hearing back from you, and I hope you consider my pitch. Thank you very much!