The Coug & The Land 2016-2020


team leading, creating, & content managing.

Teaching college students multi-media education & direction in social media marketing for small businesses.

This page is devoted to sharing highlights of both my work & the work of my team.

I’ve spent the last 10 months leading 7 team members in marketing & content creation practices, between two restaurants & bars in Eastern Washington.

You can explore our work on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, & LinkedIn through @TheCoug_ or @TheLandPullman. Please request earlier examples of work via email.

Temporary Logo design for 2020-2022. designed by lance lee with adobe creative suite & in close collaboration with management.

The Land is a neighborhood restaurant & bar that soft opened late February 2020 & has postponed it’s grand opening during the COVID-19 crisis. I have been responsible for creating the brand, leading the brand launch, developing 90% of all content, & I have managed all of the marketing.

We had a team for 4 weeks consisting of 1 photographer, 1 intern, & 1 event coordinator until staff was cut to accommodate Washington “stay-at-home” restrictions. Those team members were detrimental in assisting with the launch of the brand & establishing events relevant to our customer base.

In spite of waiting for a grand opening, The Land continues to operate with Carry Out, Online Ordering, & Delivery Service marketed on social media & our website.

@ThelandPullman Instagram grid in the weeks leading up to soft opening. The building was still under construction, so content focused on food, design, & landscape affiliated with the brand.

@ThelandPullman Instagram grid in the weeks leading up to soft opening. The building was still under construction, so content focused on food, design, & landscape affiliated with the brand.

@thelandPullman Instagram grid in the days leading up to WA’s “stay at home” order. drink specials, events, & relationships were evolving through our campaigns.

@thelandPullman Instagram grid in the days leading up to WA’s “stay at home” order. drink specials, events, & relationships were evolving through our campaigns.

@Thelandpullman Instagram grid during WA’s “Stay at home” Order. Delivery Service, Order Online, Menu Design, Web Design, photography, & community outreach were all responsibilities of mine managed daily.

@Thelandpullman Instagram grid during WA’s “Stay at home” Order. Delivery Service, Order Online, Menu Design, Web Design, photography, & community outreach were all responsibilities of mine managed daily.

While Instagram has served as the catalyst for establishing our brand’s image, Facebook & Twitter has served as our catalysts for community wide attention & relationships.


Without leading any campaigns for followers or reach, we’ve organically collected in 5 weeks:

460 followers on Instagram with 3.5k impressions a week

384 followers on Facebook with 10k reach of unique accounts each week

179 followers on Twitter with 15k reach of unique accounts each week

For context, there are 36 restaurants in Pullman, WA. Population was estimated 30k in 2018. Due to the “stay at home” order in Washington, a majority of Washington State University’s campus population (estimated at 20k) are not present right now. Our reach for promotion of carry out & delivery services is potentially reaching a majority of our target market & has shown positive returns on investment in our daily sales numbers on-site.

Please email for additional examples of work or explanations on menu/web design, or anything mentioned above.

Website designed by lance lee through squarespace.

Website designed by lance lee through squarespace.


Permanent logo designed before my tenure & updated each summer with the age of the establishment.

Permanent logo designed before my tenure & updated each summer with the age of the establishment.

The Coug is a college bar & grill that established in 1932. The brand is institutionalized parallel to Washington State University as an off-campus destination for extra curricular community & drinking related events. During the COVID-19 crisis we’ve begun emphasizing the strength of our digital relationships & shifting our community oriented attention to our restaurant products or merchandise opportunities.

Before directing a team of media interns, I was an intern - then manager - responsible for discovering the voice of the brand, revitalizing the brand image, developing 90% of the content, & managing daily engagements or weekly events.

Samples of content created during my time as an INTERN include product & event promotion:

Samples of content created during my time as a MANAGER include local news coverage of building construction, viral news coverage of city wide flooding, athletic events promotion & coverage, bar events promotion & coverage, ESPN national television collaboration & campaign, Barstool Sports social media collaboration & campaign, bar concert promotion & coverage, university concert promotion & coverage, & merchandising campaigns:

A need to create our own media team was evident during my time as a manager. I have an ability to elevate the brand with a virtual identity that builds & sustains nationwide relationships through a sense community & consistent events. A media team demands more people to sustain the volume of our media production. A media team also demands we develop a sustainable training system to educate the next generation of interns or managers, too.

The Coug now has a team consisting of 3 assistant managers, 1 graphic designer, & 1 director. The team was hired 12 months ago & is graduating this May. Each have been gone through extensive training in story boarding, copy writing/editing, photography, event promotion & coverage, basic design principles, basic social psychology, public speaking, networking, interviewing, basic campaign principles, & collaborating remotely as a team.

Examples of our work collaborated on under my title as DIRECTOR before COVID-19 include spring & fall graduation promotion & coverage, community activities IG Story campaign, maintenance awareness campaign, media training boot camp, summer festival coverage, college football promotion & coverage, traditional event promotion & coverage, seasonal event promotion & coverage, live bar music promotion, university concert promotion & coverage, seasonal merchandise design & promotion, seasonal event coverage, high profile social media takeover collaboration, seasonal print & digital media campaign, & legacy training on digital photography:

Insights from Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter following the team’s first 10 week semester working together are:

Facebook -

Posted 108 times

Earned 190 shares

Earned 261 comments

Earned 7,499 reactions

Earned 118 new followers

Reached 305.7 thousand accounts

Earned a daily average of 389 engagements

Earned a daily average of 3,291 impressions

Instagram -

Posted 164 times

Earned 679 comments

Earned 67.6 thousand likes

Earned 1,276 new followers

Earned 2.67 million impressions

Reached 765.5 thousand accounts

Earned a daily average of 412 likes per post

Earned a daily average of 4 comments per post

Earned a daily average of 21 thousand impressions

Twitter -

Posted 228 times

Earned 162 replies

Earned 896 retweets

Earned 11.9 thousand likes

Earned 1.02 million impressions

Second semester analytics summary will be available in May.

I am now developing a media guide + intern/manager curriculum for future interns, managers, or content creators at The Coug & The Land. It has been put on hold during the COVID-19 crisis.

While our team is still in tact until we finalize our guide & curriculum, I have taken over the majority of content creation & management during the COVID-19 crisis.

Content during COVID-19 has consisted of innovative creative content to engage users in a way that makes them feel virtually present at The Coug while staying at home.

The intent of building relationships that increase impressions & engagement are for conversions to sales on gift cards, merchandise, & our carry out offerings in Pullman.

Examples of content include virtual chat backgrounds of the bar & campus, virtual happy hours, crisis communication regarding our COVID safety measures, fan content, merchandise from our graphic designer, & product promotion:

Across all platforms …

engagement, impression, & reach have all increased by 40%+ in the last two weeks.

A comparison of social media analytics from January-March 15th & March 15th-June will be shared in July.

Accomplishments not reviewed on this page: Launch & analysis of Tik Tok for The Coug & LinkedIn for both businesses.